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Unity in Diversity is meant for the concept where individuals have certain differences among them, though they have unity among them.

Hand in Hand
Hand in hand

India is a great example of ‘Unity in Diversity’. Because there are lots of difference among the people in the field of caste, creed, religion, culture, language. They are very much different from each other. But they live under the same roof called ‘India’. They are attached with each other’s feelings like a chain. They feel each other’s happiness and sadness.

Since ancient times, India is home of different religion and culture. The people created themselves different as because the roots of each other is from different cultures; they developed their own cultures and makes their own community develop. They treated themselves different from each other but at the same time they prove that they are different ornaments of the chain for the culture. There diversity makes them beautiful. They call themselves as ‘Indian’. They stand for their motherland, protest against the British rule. The freedom fighters proved that though they are different from each other but also they are in one group in one roof. They protest for their brotherhood, some of them sacrificed their lives for India’s freedom and after a long time they wined. It gives a lesson to the next generations and also inspire them to keep their unity strong. But, like there is a stone in every 1000 cereals, there are also some people who divided their motherland into parts – ‘India’ and ‘Pakistan’ during the period of independence.

India is a land of festivals. Every week is a festival week in India. As it is a mixture of different community and culture. They feel joy in each festival. They celebrate all the major festivals in whole country. They are attached with each other’s culture; which is called together as Indian Culture.

They have different delicious foods recipes which have been flowing from generation to generation. Each food gives them a special pleasure. Each food in famous in a particular region and it gives them a diversity in food culture but then also they try each other’s edible. Each dish has a great feature with great taste.

The Indian Nation is divided into different states to make its governance more comfortable. Each state is divided on the basis of its regional language. There are also 7 Union Territories which are governed by the President or through the Governor. Each state has its special language, but then also, to make the communication system much easier the Government has made an official language which is easy and it is also combined with other regional languages called ‘Hindi’. It makes another unity link among them.

Constitutional Provisions are also in favor of the unity of Indian. Fundamental Rights, Fundamental duties are examples of these provisions. These also make the citizen of India united. They are allotted only one citizenship which means that they are citizen of India not which they belongs to (particular state). There is no provision for a criminal for escape if he/she is wrong in the eyes of the law; then law will give the punishment which is allotted for that crime.







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