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Prime Minister leads a very major role in a country like India. In a Parliamentary form of government the Prime Minister is the leader of the Council of Ministers. His office is based on Article 74 of the Constitution of India. Article 75(1) says that the Prime Minister shall be appointed by the President. He is bound to appoint the leader of the majority party in the LOK SABHA as the Prime Minister of India. The Prime Minister must be a member of the Parliament. If he is not a member of the Parliament at the time of his appointment, he must be so within a period of six months from the date of taking over charge as Prime Minister. The Prime Minister has no fixed term of office. He remains in his office, so long he is supported by the majority of the members of the LOK SABHA. The majority of the members of the LOK SABHA by passing a vote of ‘no confidence’ against the Prime Minister, may bring his fall. The Council of Ministers falls with the death or resignation of the Prime Minister. The President of India administers the oath of office and secrecy to the Prime Minister.


Formation of the Council of Ministers:

The President appoints other ministers only the advice of the Prime Minister. It is Prime Minister who determines the shape and size of the Council of Ministers. The ministers are the Council of Prime Minister. Practically, the ministers remain in office during the pleasure of the Prime Minister. A minister must resign if he differs with the Prime Minister on a policy matter.

Head of the Council of Ministers:

The Prime Minister is the head of the Council of Ministers. He presides over the meetings of the Council of Ministers. The President accepts the resignation of a minister only on the recommendation of the Prime Minister.

Distribution of Portfolios:

The President distributes portfolios among the ministers on the advice of the Prime Minister. In practice, the Prime Minister distributes portfolios. He may also make changes of the portfolios of the ministers as he likes.

Head of the Cabinet:

He presides over the meetings of the Cabinet. He conveys to the President, the decision taken by the Cabinet. The Prime Minister may depute a minister for this purpose. He is the sole channel of communication between the Cabinet and the President.

Spokesman of the Nation:

The Prime Minister represents the country in all national and international gatherings. He speaks on behalf of the people of the country. The Prime Minister is also the chief Spokesman of the Government of India. That is why, so much importance is given to every word spoken by the Prime Minister.

Chief Administrator of the Country:

The Prime Minister is the head of the government, so he looks to the entire administration of the country even if it falls within the jurisdiction of any other minister. Prime Minister co-ordinates the activities of various ministers and ministries. The Council of Ministers and the Cabinet function under the leadership of the Prime Minister.

Leader of the LOK SABHA:

The Prime Minister is the leader of the LOK SABHA as the leader of the party. He supports the policies of the party in the Parliament.

Foreign Relations:

The Prime Minister maintains the foreign relations. Being an important member of the National Defence Committee, he decides matters relating to war and peace.

Channel of Communication between the Parliament and the Ministry:

The Prime Minister decides as to whom the session of the Parliament is to be summoned, or prorogued and he advices the President accordingly. He also takes part in the discussions of the RAJYA SABHA.

Chief Advisor of the President:

He is the link between the Cabinet and the President. He supplies necessary information to the President.

Selection of Officials:

High officials are selected by the Cabinet. But, it is the Prime Minister who plays the vital role in selecting them. Generally, other ministers do not go against the wishes of the Prime Minister. The President acts in this regard according to the advice of Prime Minister.

Miscellaneous Powers:

As the head of the Cabinet the Prime Minister has a vast power of patronage. There is no matter  in the state, where Prime Minister has no say.

The Prime Minister leads the functioning and exercise of authority of the Government of India.


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