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The 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act has been passed to remove the lapses in the Panchayati Raj system of India. The Assam Panchayat Act of 1994 was passed by the 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act. The following are the main features of the 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act;

1)  There shall be a Gaon Sabha comprising of persons registered in electoral rolls.

2)  There shall be a three-tier system consisting of village, intermediate and district levels.

3)  The members of Panchayati Raj institutions shall be directly elected. However, the election in respect of the post of Chair persons at intermediate level and district level shall be indirect.

4)  There shall be reservations of Schedule Caste and Schedule Tribes in proportion to their population at each level. Not less than 1/3 of total member of seats shall be reserved for women.

5)  The state legislature may by law authorize Panchayats to levy and collect taxes or assign it such taxes, duties, tolls collected by the state government. The Panchayats shall receive grant-in-aid from the consolidated fund of the state.

6)  A Finance Commission shall be constituted by the Governor to review financial position of the Panchayats and recommend distribution of funds, between the state and the Panchayats.

7)  The 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act has granted the Panchayati Raj institutions a constitutional status.

8)  It has brought about uniformity in the Panchayati Raj system by making three-tier system a permanent feature.

9)  This Act has given financial autonomy to the Panchayats.

10)                  It has made provisions for regularity of Panchayat elections.


1)  Constitution of 3 types of municipalities; Nagar Panchayat for fast urbanizing rural areas, Municipal Council for smaller urban areas and Municipal corporations for larger urban areas.

2)  Fixed 5 years term and continuity of operation for municipalities.

3)  Appointment of an Election Commission in each state for conducting local elections to the institutions of local government.

4)  Appointment of a Finance Commission for local government.

5)  Constitution of metropolitan and district planning committees in each year.

6)  Provision for reservation of seats for Schedule Caste, Schedule Tribes, Other Backward Classes and women.

7)  Provision for reservation of seats of public offices for Schedule Caste, Schedule Tribes and women.

After the passing of the 74th Amendment Act all the states of union were to enact or amend their respective municipal acts. This work was accomplished by 1994. The urban local government institutions in all states were organized in their new forms with effect from 1994.

The ‘Eleventh Schedule’ of the Constitution was added and in enumerated 29 subjects which were to be within the jurisdiction of Panchayats.

Election to the Panchayats:

The superintendence, direction and control of the preparation of electoral rolls and for the conduct of all elections to the Panhayats all are vested in a State Election Commission consisting of a State Election Commissioner to be appointed by the Governor. The office of the State Election Commissioner is autonomous like the Election Commissioner of India.

State Finance Commission:

Each state is to constitute a Finance Commission after every five years. It is to review the financial position of Panchayats and make recommendations regarding the distribution of revenue between the state and the Panchayats.





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