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The Election Commission of India is an autonomous, quasi-judicial constitutional body of India. Its mission is to conduct free and fair elections in India. It was established on 25th January, 1950 under Article 324 of the Constitution of India.


The Commission presently consists of a chief Election Commissioner and two Election Commissioners, appointed by the President. The Chief Election Commissioner can be removed from his office by Parliament with 2/3 majority in LOK SABHA and RAJYA SABHA on the ground of proved misbehavior or incapacity. Other Election Commission can be removed by the President on the recommendation of the Chief Election Commissioner. Salary of Chief Commissioner is same as of Justice of Supreme Court of India. All three Commissioners have same right of taking a decision. Tenure of Election Commissioners is 6 years or up to 65 years of age whichever is earlier. The Election Commission shall have the power superintendence, direction and control of all elections to Parliament and the State Legislatures and of elections to the office of the President and Vice-President.


The Election Commission enjoys complete autonomy and is insulated from any kind of executive interference.

The body also functions as a quasi-judicial body in matters of electoral disputes and other matters involving the conduct of elections.

Its recommendation and opinions are binding on the President of India. However, the decisions of the body are liable for independent judiciary reviews by courts acting on electoral petitions.

It is responsible for planning and executing a whole amount of complex operations that go into the conduct of elections. However, election forces and the police is deemed to be on deputation to the Election Commission, which takes effective control of personnel, movable and immovable Government properties it deems necessary for successful completion of the electoral process.

1)           To prepare, revise, update and maintain the list of votes for election to the Parliament, state legislatures, local bodies and to the office of the President and the Vice-President of India.

2)            To conduct and supervise elections and bye-elections to the Parliament, State Legislature and to the office of the President and the Vice-President of India.

3)            To delimit constituencies for election to the Parliament and to the state Legislature, and to allot the number of seats to each of them.

4)            To fix the election programme, including date for nomination and scrutiny of candidates, and date of elections, make arrangements for setting up necessary number of polling booths, etc.

5)           To advise the President or the Governor of the concerned state, as the case may be, regarding all electoral matters, including questions relating to disqualification of members.

6)            To prepare guidelines for a code of conduct for political parties candidates and voters.

7)            To fix the limit of election expenses and to examine the accounts of electoral expenditure submitted by the candidates.

8)            To determine criteria for recognizing political parties, and then recognize them and decide their election symbols and allocate time to them for the use of radio and television in order to help them reach out to the people on election issues.

9)           To prepare a list of free symbols for allotment to independent candidates.

10)    To settle election disputes and petitions, referred to it by the President or the Governor of a state.


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