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The powers and functions of LOK SABHA  are given below:                     

Legislative Powers:

LOK SABHA makes laws. Jointly with the RAJYA SABHA it participates in making laws on all matters which have been mentioned in the Union list and the Concurrent list. A non-money bill can originate in either House of the Parliament (LOK SABHA and RAJYA SABHA ).

 Control over the Executive:

 It is laid down in the Constitution the Union Council of Ministers shall be responsible to the LOK SABHA. If the LOK SABHA rejects a government bill or a budget, or disapproves official policy or shows it lack of confidence in the government by making alterations in the policies of the government it shall amount to a vote of no confidence. The LOK SABHA may remove the ministry by adopting a no confidence motion. The LOK SABHA can criticize the government and ask questions and supplementary questions. The Council of Ministers remains in office so long it is supported by the majority of the members of the House.

 Electoral Powers:

The elected members of the LOK SABHA take part in the election of the President and the Vice-President of India. They also take part in the removal of the President, Vice-President, Chief Justice and Judges of the Supreme Court and High Courts of India. The members of the LOK SABHA also elect the Speaker and Deputy Speaker.

Financial Power:

 Under the Article 109 of the Constitution of India, money bill can be introduced only in the LOK SABHA. When a money bill is passed by the LOK SABHA, it is sent to the RAJYA SABHA for approval. The RAJYA SABHA shall have to return the bill with or without its approval within a period of 14 days. The LOK SABHA may or may not accept its suggestions. If the bill is not returned within 14 days, it will be regarded as passed. The RAJYA SABHA can delay a money bill only for 14 days. No tax can be imposed, increased or curtailed without the approval of the LOK SABHA. It controls the income and expenditure of the Government.

 Constituent Powers:

A Constitutional Amendment Bill must be passed by both the Houses (LOK SABHA and RAJYA SABHA) sitting separately. In case of conflict over a bill of Constitutional Amendment, ultimately the voice of the LOK SABHA will prevail.

Miscellaneous Powers:

There are certain powers which are exclusively exercised by the LOK SABHA. The RAJYA SABHA either has no hand at all or only has a marginal role to play in these matters. These are-

1)           Election of Speaker and Deputy Speaker and their removal;

2)            Control over the exchequer;

3)            Control over the Council of Ministers;

4)            Declaring seat in the House vacant;

5)            Revocation of emergency proclamation;

6)           Expulsion of the members from the House and cancellation of the expulsion,

7)           It may send a person to jail and

8)           It can make rules for regulating its procedure and conduct of its business and can suspend them for a speedy transaction of business.


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