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PART-1 (Article 1-4): deals with territory of India, formation of new states, alterations, names of existing states.

PART-2 (Article 5-11): deals with the citizenship.

PART-3 (Article 12-35): deals with Fundamental Rights of Indian citizens. (Article 31- dealing with the Right to Property was deleted by 44th Amendment).

PART-4 (Article 36-51): deals with Directive Principles of State Policy.

PART-4A (Article 51A): added by 42nd Amendment in 1976. It contains the Fundamental duties of the citizens.

PART-5 (Article 52-151): deals with Government at the Union Level.

PART-6 (Article 152-237): deals with Government at the State Level.

PART-7 (Article 238): deals with states, was replaced in 1956 by the 7th Amendment.

PART-8 (Article 239-242): deals with Union Territories.

PART-9 (Article 243-243O): added by 73rd Amendment in 1992. It contains a new ‘Schedule Eleven’. It contains 29 subjects related to Panchayati Raj. (They have been given administrative powers).

PART-9A (Article 243B-243ZG): added by 74th Amendment in 1992. It contains a new ‘Schedule Twelve’. It contains 18 subjects related to Municipalities.

PART-9B (Article 243ZH-243ZG): deals with the cooperative societies added by 97th Constitutional Amendment Act.

PART-10 (Article 244, 244A): deals with Scheduled and tribal Areas.

PART-11 (Article 245-263): deals with relation between Union and States.

PART-12 (Article 264-300A): deals with distribution of revenue between Union and States, appointment of Finance Commission (Article 280), contracts, liabilities etc.

PART -13 (Article 301-307): relates to trade, commerce and intercourse within the Territory of India.

PART-14 (Article 308-323): deals with UPSC and Public Service Commissions.

PART-14A (Article 323A-323B): deals with tribunals added by 42nd Constitutional Amendment, 1976.

PART-15 (Article 324-329A): deals with elections (also Election Commission).

PART-16 (Article 330-342): deals with special provisions for Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes and Anglo-Indian Representatives.

PART-17 (Article 343-351): relates to official language.

PART-18 (Article 352-360): deals with emergency provisions.

PART-19 (Article 361-367): exemption of criminal proceedings for their official acts as President and Governors.

PART-20 (Article 368): deals with Amendment of Constitution.

PART-21 (Article 369-392): (Article 369 gives temporary powers to the Parliament to make laws for State list). (Article 370 contains temporary provisions of Jammu and Kashmir restricts the Parliament to make laws for that state).

PART-22 (Article 393-395): concerns the short title, commencement and repeal of the Constitution.


FIRST SCHEDULE: List of States and Union Territories.

SECOND SCHEDULE: Salary of President, Governors, Chief Judges, Judges of High Court and Supreme Court, Comptroller and Auditor General.

THIRD SCHEDULE: Forms of oaths and affirmations.

FOURTH SCHEDULE: Allocate seats for each State and Union Territories of India in Rajya Sabha.

FIFTH SCHEDULE: Administration and control of Scheduled Areas and Tribes.

SIXTH SCHEDULE: Provisions for administration of tribal area in Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura, Mizoram and Arunachal Pradesh.

SEVENTH SCHEDULE: Gives allocation of powers and functions between Union and State. It contains three lists; 1) Union List (for Central Government) 100 subjects.

2) State List (powers of State Government) 61 subjects.

3) Concurrent List (both Union and States) 52 subjects.

EIGHTH SCHEDULE: List of 22 languages of India recognized by Constitution;

1)  Assamese

2)  Bengali

3)  Gujarati

4)  Hindi

5)  Kannada

6)  Kashmiri

7)  Manipuri

8)  Malayalam

9)  Konkani

10)                  Marathi

11)                  Nepali

12)                  Oriya

13)                  Punjabi

14)                  Sanskrit

15)                  Sindhi

16)                  Tamil

17)                  Telugu

18)                  Urdu

19)                  Santhali

20)                  Bodo

21)                  Maithili

22)                  Dogri

Sindhi was added in 1967 by 21st Constitutional Amendment.

Konkani, Manipuri and Nepali were added in 1992 by 71st Constitutional Amendment and Santhali, Maithili, Bodo and Dogri were added in 2003 by 92nd Constitutional Amendment.

NINTH SCHEDULE: Added by 1st Amendment in 1951. It contains acts and orders related to land tenure, land tax, railway, industries. (Right of Property not a Fundamental Right now).

TENTH SCHEDULE: Added by 52nd Constitutional Amendment in 1985. It contains provisions of disqualification on grounds of defection.

ELEVENTH SCHEDULE: Specifies the powers, authority and responsibilities of Panchayats. This Schedule was added by the 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act, 1992.

TWELFTH SCHEDULE: By 74th Constitutional Amendment in 1992 contains provisions of Municipal Corporation.










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