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 India is one of the most wedding state showing keep interest in establishing a National Commission for the promotion and protection of human right.India in its draft resolution has requested the secretary general of the United Nation to submit a report to the general assembly in 2 years time with the view to implementing protection of human  Rights Programmes. On 27th September 1993 the  the National Commission on human rights was established in India.


Human Rights was Introduced In The Lok Sabha :-

Subsequently on protection of Human Rights was introduced in the Lok Sabha which was passed and it become an act after it received the assent of the president on 8th January 1994 which is called the protection of Human Rights act.

The object of this act was to provide for the Establishment of National Human Rights Commission at National level and the state commission in  the in the state and also human right  courts  for effective protection of human rights.

Headquarter of H R C

The National Commission for protection of Human Rights has been provided with powers and certain functions to deal with human rights thought the National Human Rights Commission has it headquarter in New Delhi but with the permission of the central government it may established in other places in India.

As laid down in in chapter 3 of the protection of human right act 1993 the commission has been vested with power to conduct investigation pertaining to human rights. Enquiry and Investigation are the most important function of the and N H R C.

The national human right Commission during the year 1996 97 has investigation 1047 cases, whereas 296 were investigated by the NHRC on wing and rest of 751 cases were investigated by other Agencies such as the state police. Sincs most of the complaints or   cases are filed against the the state police action there is every for the probability that is investigated done by the state police shall not be fair or impartial.  The outside agency such as state police is not expected to investigate the matters pertaining to the The Human Rights violations committed by their follow police man and superior. It is therefore suggested that it is necessary that the national human right Commission should have its own investigating wing to make investigation impartial.

The National Human Rights Commission has submitted its report to the central government. The NHRC in its report has recommended many measures for promotion and protection of human rights. The commission as expressed its concerned on improper functioning of governmental organisations and also emphasized that the right to education be enforced if the nation is to prove its seriousness in the efforts to end the child labour and to promote the human rights the commission should have complete autonomy against interference. 

To provide clarity of thought in respect of protection of human write a dialogue between policy makers, the security forces and the human right proponents should be established. The Paramilitary forces and army should be directed to report streak compliance directly to the N H R C in case of any custodial death and also in case of custodial rape. All India Radio and  Doordarshan  should increase their participation to bring required awareness among people pertaining to the protection of human rights.


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