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(new update ) ANTI  LAW DEFECTION 

 This provision contains the 10th schedule of the constitution. the objects of this provision is laudable but in practice it has been misused because of misinterpretation by various speakers of assemblies who have been final arbiters to exercise and decided while applying anti defection law a number of causes have been filled before the court for final decision the law requires that any Independence body or the the election commission should deal with all types of defection. 

 Weather, it be of an individual member for a group of member less than 1/3 or  members  1/ of of more 3/2 claiming have a split the concerned party or 2/3 members claiming main merger of parties or independence member, should subject themselves to the sum treatment, that is, he is losing the membership of the house concerned .

 Any such member should never hold any post of Minister or any other post qua a member poster.


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