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The main language of India is Hindi. Hindi is an Indo- Aryan language which is  also known as Khadi Boli or Khari Boli.  Hindi is the primary tongue of about a third of India’s 2 billion people. Hindi is the fourth most spoken first language in the world. Outside of India, Hindi is also spoken in Bangladesh, Nepal, Australia, Bhutan, Canada, Belize, Germany, New Zealand, Philippines etc. You can easily image that a large majority of people speak Hindi. 

The term Hindi originally was used to refer to inhabitants of the Indo-Gangetic Plain. The Hindi and Hindu terms are derived from the Sanskrit word Sindhu which is refers to the river Indus. Another name of Hindi is Hindavi or Hindui was often used in the past. Like other Indo-Aryan languages, Hindi is a direct descendant of an early form of Vedic Sanskrit.

On 14th September, 1949, the Constituent Assembly of India adopted Hindi written in the Devanagari Script as the official language of the Republic India. That’s why, 14th September is annual celebrated as Hindi Diwas.


Part XVII of the Indian Constitution deals with the official language of India. Article 343 states “The Official Language of the Union government shall be Hindi in Devanagari script.”  Article 344 refers to the commission and committee of Parliament on official language of India. it was envisioned that Hindi would become the sole working language of the Union Government by 1965 with state governments being free to function in the language of their own choice. Hindi is mostly spoken in the Northern part of India along with English. Hindi is also the official language of 9 states and 3 Union Territories and additional official language of 3 states of India. At the state level, Hindi is the official language of the following Indian states- Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Mizoram, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand. Hindi is one of the additional official languages of West Bengal. Similarly, Hindi is gain the official language status in the following Union Territories- National Capital Territory (Delhi), Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu.

Hindi as an official language in India
Official languages of India

Hindi and Urdu were considered the same language but have evolved into separate dialects. As Hindi is quite easy to understand for many Pakistanis, who speak Urdu, which as like Hindi, is a standard register of the Hindustani language. Both Hindi and Urdu have been used as literary languages starting in the 12th century. Under the influence of the English language, Hindi and Urdu literature flourished starting in the 18th century.

Both Hindi and English are extensively used and each has its own supporters. Hindi is the main communication link between people’s feelings.

There are many regional varieties of spoken Hindi. Literary Hindi has 4 varieties – High Hindi, Nagari Hindi, Literary Hindi and Standard Hindi. Dialects of Hindi also include – Dogri, Marwari, Bhojpuri, Bundeli, Bagheli, Chhattisgarhi, Avadhi and Braj.

Hindi is highly inflected language which utilizes prefixes and suffixes to form words and to express grammatical relations. Due to the influence of Hinduism, Hindi derives most of its high-level vocabulary from Sanskrit.

You can easily learn this language. Hindi is one of the major communication language in India. 



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