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           The Rights of Child ---At International Level          

    •   At international level At solid Program was taken up through the declaration of the rights of the child in 1959. And the children's right where laid down in the declaration. The Welfare of child was sought for the international community. It was a stated that the child by reason of mental and physical Immaturity  requires special care and protection. All the members States off said it declaration and also voluntary organisation where put under obligation to innovate measures for children's care and protection the government and local authorities where expected to frame and adopt legislative provisions for safeguarding rights of children. 

    • The General Assembly of  The United  Nation has the provided  guidelines and principles in respect of rights of child. 
          There are 10 points guidelines as the followings :-

             1. The child shall enjoy and be entitled to the rights laid down in this declaration without discrimination of any kind.

             2. It provides special care, and protection and education facilities for fair and proper development of child as a human personality.

              3. The child shall be entitled to a name and the nationality by birth.

              4. Adequate protection and special care shall be provided to the child and his mother in respect of Housing Corporation, health care and Recreation so that the child's up bringing Shell be proper

             5. The handicapped child is of special care, protection and encouragement.
                 The child should be given proper and equal compulsory free education to develop his   mind.
             7. The child should be given proper and equal compulsory free education to develop his  mind.                  

              8. The child should not be permitted to work as a bonded labour or to work in hazardous  industries.

             9. The child should be given protection in all forms of relief at priority.

             10. The child shall be protected against all forms of discrimination.    

                The Right of Child under the Indian Constitution  

     It is a fact that constitution of India was drafted almost at the same time when the universal declaration of human right was adopted by the international community of the Constitution of India guarantees most of Human Rights which were provided in the to convent in 1966.

    The provision of part 3 of Indian constitution are legally enforceable various provisions contained in part for non judicial able it is States duty to make policy to ensure that the tender age the children are not a waste food article 23 of the Constitution imposes prohibition on traffic in human beings  and bans other forms of forced  labour.

    According to the Kolkata High Court--''traffic in human beings'' means selling and buying men and women like commodities and it includes Immoral traffic in among children for Immoral purposes. Also, article 24 of the Indian Constitution prohibits employment of children below the age of 14 years in the factory or mine or in any other hazardous employment.

          the child labor (prohibition And Regulation) Act 1986.  

     In view of the international Convents and the Indian Constitution in our country various steps have been taken in implement this conventions and also constitutional provisions thought various enactment and regulations. even administrative efforts have been made to to eradicate child labour in various part in India.

    Thought there are a number of labour laws in force in India but the child labour prohibited and regulations Act 1986 in one of the most important legislation to deal with child labour.

    part -- 1 section 1 of the said act States its object and scope the act prohibits the engagement of children in certain employment and to regulate the conditions of work of children in certain other employment. the present act intended to achieve the followings objects--

    1.                                          To ban th employment of children below 14 years of age.
    2. describe a procedure to determine modification to the schedule of prohibit occupations or process.
    3. To regulate the condition of work of children in employment where they are not prohibited for working.
    4. To  prescribe penalties for employment of children in violation of provisions of this act, and other acts which forbid the employment of children.


    1. Every child must have the minimum education for a purposeful life


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